July 24, 2024
Counselor Top 40 Distributors 2024: No. 17 DiscountMugs.com
Counselor’s exclusive ranking of the distributors with the most revenue in the promo products market.
Company Snapshot
Revenue figures are in $millions
Previous Rank: 17
2023 Revenue: $172.3 (Estimate)
2022 Revenue: $172.3
Year-Over-Year Difference: 0.0%
2021 Revenue: $172.3
Top Company Officer: Sai Koppaka, President/CEO
Year Founded: 1995
Headquarters: Medley, FL
Estimates by Counselor put the e-commerce firm at flat growth. In March, the company hired a new general manager: John Sheldon, an executive who previously worked for Mastercard, SmileDirectClub and FreshDirect. Sheldon says that even though DiscountMugs.com has an e-commerce first business model, in 2023 “we assigned our top clients specific customer success managers who get to know their businesses and proactively reach out based on their needs. Our customer satisfaction has never been higher.”