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How to Maintain A Healthy Diet

Lifestyle tips for busy professionals.

Shop on a Full Stomach
If you’ve ever gone to the grocery store hungry and then looked at your mile-long receipt, you know what we’re talking about. By shopping after eating, your appetite will be satisfied and you’ll make more rational, healthy decisions on what to bring home to your refrigerator.

Prepare Your Meals at Home
Bringing in healthy lunches and snacks and eating home-cooked dinners will help slim down your waistline while fattening your wallet. If you’re stretched for time, either prep all your food the night before, or spend Sunday evening cooking your meals for the week.

Subscribe to a Delivery Service
Really slammed for time? There are plenty of meal delivery services that bring healthy food to your doorstep. Blue Apron, Purple Carrot and a host of other subscription services provide you with plant-based, sustainably sourced ingredients for you to quickly cook a delicious, nutritious meal.

Don’t Eat Alone
Instead of grabbing a quick bite and heading back to your desk, invite a co-worker or friend to join you for a fulfilling lunch. Most people tend to prefer support when dieting or working out, so this is an easy way to stay social while staying healthy. It also gives you a chance to network and catch up.

Earn a Cheat Meal
After you’ve been eating healthy all week, enjoy a guilt-free treat full of calories. Whether they’re empty or not is your call, but having one cheat meal a week gives you something to look forward to. Plus, you won’t feel guilty if you time it during a birthday party, happy hour, Christmas, Super Bowl, etc.