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How To Earn Sales In The Gamification Market

Demand for gamified services and solutions is heating up. Promotional products distributors can find new quality customers by targeting the growing niche.

What is it?
Gamification involves applying game mechanics and game design techniques to traditionally non-game tasks and settings. The point is to encourage people to take particular actions, such as achieving goals, making purchases, following company policies, becoming a better salesperson and much more.

Why should you care about it?
The market for gamification is rapidly expanding, which spells opportunity for distributors who can conceive creative product solutions that advance the goals of gamification exercises and companies. Consider that in 2015, the global gamification market was $1.65 billion. By 2020, it should reach $11 billion, according to market research firm

Why is gamification in demand?
Because it works. A study on the effectiveness of simulations and games on adult learners revealed that participants scored 14% higher in skilled-based assessments and 11% higher in terms of factual knowledge, all while posting a 9% increase in retention rates. Plus, people genuinely enjoy learning and improving through games. Nearly 80% of employees and university students say introducing a game to their learning would make them more productive.

Who are potential clients in the gamification niche?

1. Gamification companies that want to promote their services and use promotional products as part of the solutions they provide. Of course, these businesses could likely also use company apparel like polo shirts, caps and soft-shell jackets. Check out this list of 20 top gamification firms.

2. Corporate human resource departments that are orchestrating gamification exercises to train employees and/or encourage compliance with company policies.

3. Sales coaches who use game simulations as part of their training. Indeed, sales/business consultants are increasingly implementing games in their instruction initiatives. For example, Ian Altman of Grow My Revenue created Same Side Improv, a fun and interactive game that helps sales teams rehearse important conversations with clients. Learn more at

4. Sales and marketing managers running internal game competitions with their teams. Clearly, branded products have a place here: top finishers, for example, can receive cool swag.

5. Both online and brick-and-mortar retailers that want to engage customers, stimulate first-time purchases and generate buyer loyalty.

6. Schools and universities that use digital games as part of student instruction and teacher/professor training.

What are some examples of gamification?

1. Galderma, a pharmaceutical subsidiary that develops dermatological products, had its sales force participate in a game that involved advancing an avatar along a path that contained quizzes and situational role-plays. The game strengthened the sales team’s knowledge of Galderma products, built team spirit and encouraged idea sharing and the implementation of best practices. While voluntary, the game generated a 92% participation rate – and helped Galderma increase sales.

2. When Deloitte needed to get more senior executives to start and complete a leadership training program, it relied on Badgeville, a gamification provider, for help. Badgeville introduced gamified elements like badges, leaderboards and status symbols that measured how many executives were taking part in and finishing the courses. The result? The average time to complete the training was cut in half, while the number of daily program users increased by 47%.

CHECK OUT more gamification case studies here.

Quick Stats:

87% of retailers say they plan to use gamification to engage customers by 2020 or before. (Boston Retail Partners)

53% of health and fitness mobile applications feature at least one element of gamification. (National Center For Biotechnology Information)

78% of corporate workers have used some sort of game-based motivation at work. (Badgeville)