Feature-Rich Umbrellas

From golf courses, to beaches, to outdoor cafés, rainy day promos will never go away.

AAA Innovations (asi/30023)

AAA Innovations

Make and answer phone calls from your umbrella. Users connect with Bluetooth to the Inverted Phonebrella (BT46inv) and never have to fumble with their cellphone in the rain. A perfect employee recognition gift; aaainnovations.com

Vitronic/IMAGEN Brands (asi/93990)

Vitronic/IMAGEN Brands

Windy conditions can wreak havoc with an ordinary umbrella, but the Windjammer compact umbrella (2258A) has vents that let the air escape the canopy without inverting it. It’s compact but features a 54” arc when open; imagenbrands.com

Finger Lakes Promotions (asi/54278)

Finger Lakes Promotions

To protect skin, shelter from the sun is paramount. Keep dangerous rays away under this portable canopy shelter umbrella (FLJX011). More tent than umbrella, it offers 99.5% protection from UVA and UVB rays; lu@fingerlakespromos.com

StrombergBrand (asi/89955)


Products like the ViceVersa inverted umbrella (SB-4620) are growing in popularity. Featuring a colorful outer canopy and contrasting gray undercanopy, it makes it easy to get in and out of cars and through doors; strombergbrand.com



For your client’s next golf outing, suggest this 62” umbrella (7905). The fun canopy resembles a golf ball and has an epoxy dome medallion in the handle; haas-jordan.com

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