July 08, 2020
Outstanding Badges, Buttons & Pins
These wearable billboards often become a favorite collectible.
Ventura Inc. (asi/93520)
Clients who want to convey warm fuzzy feelings should consider this 2 ¼” heart-shaped button (BL-2420F). Includes full-color imprinting; venturaline.com
Suntex Industries (asi/90160)
Forget a pin: This full-color peel-and-stick appliqué badge (InstantImg-100) won’t leave holes in jackets and shirts. Made in the USA, it’s available in custom shapes and with dye sublimation; suntexindustries.com
SnugZ USA (asi/88060)
This plastic ID badge (BCP23) is ideal as an all-access concert and festival pass, and for trade shows, conferences and schools. Add on a custom lanyard; snugzusa.com
Lion Circle (asi/67620)
Ideal for political campaigns, this 3 ½” round celluloid button (84106-D) is made in the USA; lioncircle.com
Zoogee World (asi/99280)
When a pin won’t do it because of a thick coat or jacket, your clients can turn to a magnetic button. This customized piece can double as a memo holder, paper clip or tie clip. Brandable packaging is also available; zoogee.com
ImprintID (asi/73651)
The classic soft-enamel lapel pin (LPNSE) is a traditional way end-users identify where they work or what causes and organizations they support; imprintid.com
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