June 25, 2020
Unusual Wearable Tech
Unique functionality will surely impress buyers.
CFS Promotional Products (asi/42989)
Keep in the heat and the tunes with this Bluetooth speaker hat (BTS-HAT). An appealing giveaway for commuters or fans at a cold weather sports game; cfspromo.com
BIC Graphic (asi/40480)
Forget the earbuds and try something cooler: sunglasses with Bluetooth speakers (32247). Great for running, hiking, doing yard work or driving cross country. Wearers can answer calls too; bicgraphic.com
Trimark (asi/92121)
This heat panel vest (TM19548) is a perfect item for fall and winter. It features interior chest and back heat panels that can be set to a specific temperature with a touch button control; pcna.com/trimark
AAA Innovations (asi/30023)
Holding a cellphone and umbrella in the rain is an exercise in frustration. With the Bluetooth-enabled Phonebrella (BT46), users can keep their phone in their pocket while answering calls through the handle; aaainnovations.com
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