October 13, 2021
Power 50 2021: No. 3 Jo-an Lantz, Geiger
Welcome to the 2021 Power 50 list, which ranks the most influential people in the industry.
3. Jo-an Lantz
Geiger (asi/202900)
2020 Rank: 2
Title: President/CEO
Industry Experience: Entire career

When Lantz talks, promo listens. Now in her 15th year on the Power 50, Lantz helms promo’s 10th largest distributorship – and does so as the first non-Geiger family member in that position in the firm’s more than 140-year history. An oft-quoted thought-leader and co-founder of the industry’s Women’s Leadership Conference, Lantz’s vision and ability to execute have been key to Geiger’s international expansion in the U.K. and its domestic growth, with the firm staying aggressive on the acquisition front in 2021. While 2020 sales dipped amid COVID complications, Lantz has Geiger back in growth mode, with 2021 revenue predicted to finish up 9%. Counselor’s Person of the Year in 2020, Lantz’s forthright approach during the pandemic – including weekly videos to the Geiger team – won her admiration for her transparency and presence during an incredibly difficult time.