October 24, 2023
Counselor Power 50 2023: No. 42 Dale Denham, PPAI
Welcome to the 2023 Power 50 list, which ranks the most influential people in the industry.

#42 Dale Denham
PPAI – President/CEO
2022 Rank: #48
Industry Experience: 28 Years
Previous Appearances on Power 50: 2
Now in his second full year running the industry’s largest nonprofit association, Dale Denham has seen the highs and lows that often come with making necessary changes to long-standing entities: He’s overhauled and bolstered PPAI’s editorial, education and events teams, and executed what was, by all accounts, a successful Vegas show in January. Denham has made other changes at PPAI, which many welcome as long overdue and critical to the association’s ongoing vitality and relevance, while others bristle at the growing pains. Denham scored points with industry pros who took this year’s Power 50 survey for keeping his head down, staying focused and ploughing forward to achieve the goals set forth by PPAI’s board and members, such as hiring a dedicated ESG staffer at the director level.