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ASI Offers Free, Virtual Children’s Activities

The program through the company’s onsite daycare runs every weekday and includes art projects, story times, science and math for young children.

Business closures and stay-at-home orders across the country due to the coronavirus pandemic have been a struggle for everyone, but working parents of young children have been especially hard hit, as they scramble to keep their kids engaged and enriched, while still working remotely full time. To help lift some of the burden, ASI’s onsite daycare, Lots of Love Learning Center, is offering virtual activities every weekday, via Zoom.


The free program is open to ASI employees and members.

“ASI is committed to providing the promo industry with as many free, online resources as possible, and our latest offering – story time and interactive children’s activities – should help busy parents coping and working from home while keeping their kids happy and occupied,” said Timothy M. Andrews, president and chief executive officer of ASI.

Classes run 20 to 30 minutes, beginning at 11 a.m. EST. Classes are geared toward children ages 1 to 5.

On Mondays, Lots of Love will lead sessions focused on health and wellness. Tuesdays will be devoted to math; activities will include counting, sorting and identifying shapes. On Wednesdays, children will learn about science and nature. On Thursdays, the featured subject will be language and literacy, while on Fridays children will get to enjoy arts and crafts. Art supplies including crayons, markers, white paper, scissors, glue, a paint brush and paint may be required to complete the projects being demonstrated on Friday.

For more information and to register, visit the Bucks County Technology Park’s website. You can also go directly to the session by clicking ZOOM MEETING and entering the meeting ID: 712 520 433.

Over the last few weeks, ASI has launched multiple programs to help employees and members get through the pandemic. Last week, ASI began offering free virtual fitness classes to members and their families.