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Sending Words of Encouragement During COVID

Kevin Quinn of Boundless talks about the encouraging emails he's sent to colleagues since the beginning of the pandemic.

In mid-March 2020, Kevin Quinn, director of business development, and the rest of the team at Top 40 distributor Boundless (asi/143717) were sent home to work remotely as COVID-19 bore down on North America.

“It was rather chaotic,” he says. “Uncertainty was the most difficult part. Many of us thought, ‘OK, we’ll be home a week, two weeks, three weeks, and then we’ll get back to so-called “normal.” ’ What struck me at the time was people needed hope.”

Kevin Quinn

Kevin Quinn, Boundless

Just a few days after getting settled in at his home office for the foreseeable future, Quinn began sending emails of encouragement to his colleagues. “I thought, ‘What can I do? What part can I play in making this better for anybody?’ ” he says. “And I also thought how it must be hard if you don’t have any hope. I happen to be a ‘cup floweth over’ kind of guy. I get extra doses of encouragement and hope, so I thought I’d see if I could share that with others.”

In the months since, Quinn has continued to send daily emails to the members of his Google Group, “Lifted Higher.” Each email includes an introductory quote from a famous person, reflection, Scripture passage, prayer and link to a song. As of the end of January 2021, he’s sent more than 200.

In this episode of Promo Insiders, Sara Lavenduski, executive editor of digital content, speaks with Quinn about his nearly year-long journey and why he’ll continue to send encouragement every day as the pandemic persists. 

Podcast Chapters (only available on desktop)
0:49: Early days of the pandemic
1:42: The first emails
3:20: How have the emails evolved
6:11: Faith, hope and gratitude this year
8:35: Plans for the emails moving forward Watch on Facebook

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