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Show Some Love to Your Co-Workers, Clients

Whether it’s a thank-you card or a food gift, a little appreciation goes a long way for the people in your professional sphere.

It’s been a rough 11 months. With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, this is the perfect time to show the people in your work life – both your co-workers and your clients – that you care. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or extravagant. We’re not talking lobster tails and champagne or a sky-written message of undying devotion. Instead, try for small touches and heartfelt gestures that have more meaning because they demonstrate a connection and appreciation for the intended recipient.

Hands forming a heart

In this episode of Promo Insiders, ASI media staff Theresa Hegel, Sara Lavenduski and Melissa Newman discussed ideas for how to express your gratitude and inspire loyalty with clientele and colleagues alike. To keep it fresh, they also sampled some unexpected holiday-themed foods – including rosé jelly beans, Lady Gaga Oreos and laser-engraved beef jerky “meathearts.”

1. The details matter. Before you send out a personalized note, make sure you proofread everything. Spelling the recipient’s name wrong is almost worse than sending nothing at all. If you’re sending a food gift, double-check on food allergies or preferences.

2. Include the whole family. An interactive or family-friendly item – like cookies with icing you can color with edible food markers – add a fun element to any gift.

3. Hold a virtual awards ceremony for your staff. Rather than another Zoom happy hour, turn it into a festive event where you celebrate your team’s great work. You can also intersperse facetious awards (like “Most Likely to Abuse the Mute Button”) as long as it stays good-natured and everyone’s in on the joke.

4. Great customer service is the gift that keeps on giving. Be transparent with your clients, and check in on them often to make sure you’re meeting their needs and solving their pain points. All the gifts in the world are meaningless if you’re not nailing the fundamentals.

Podcast Chapters
7:49: COVID fatigue is real, and we’ve all hit wall.
13:00: Prioritize employee safety to show appreciation.
24:07: Try interactive gifts with a social media element.
31:15: Offer great customer service all the time.
36:00: Ask clients to show you some love with referrals.

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