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The Numbers, Nuances & Stories Behind Promo’s Record-Breaking 2023

ASI Senior Executive Director of Research Nate Kucsma and News Director Christopher Ruvo delve into the details behind promo’s successful but challenging year.

The Distributor Quarterly Sales Survey from ASI Research showed that in 2023, distributors collectively increased sales by 1.2% year over year to $26.1 billion.

It was a record-breaking sales total for the industry, surpassing the previous highwater mark of $25.8 billion, which was set in 2019 and matched in 2022.

Still, 2023 was also complex – a year filled with many challenges for distributors. In this podcast, ASI Senior Executive Director of Research Nate Kucsma and News Director Christopher Ruvo deep-dive into the details that tell the story behind the promo industry’s 2023 – and what may lie ahead in 2024.