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Outsourcing Explained: How Your Company Can Win

There are many misconceptions about outsourcing back-office functions. It's time to clear up the confusion so you can decide what's best for your business. In this Q&A, we're answering your most common questions, giving you more confidence when it comes to making decisions for your company.

Q: What back-office functions can I outsource?
A. Most of them!

Common outsourced tasks are order-related, such as preparing artwork for production or order entry, because they consume a lot of time but can easily be migrated to a third party. Other popular tasks to delegate include:

o Generating templated proofs
    o Sending proofs to your customer
    o Monitoring and managing approvals
Mailbox management
    o Monitoring inboxes for action
Print file generation
• Customer service
• Information technology
• And more

All in all, whatever bottleneck your business is encountering, you can bet there's an outsourcing solution that will solve it – just ask.

Q: Will outsourcing raise or lower my overall cost?
A. It drastically reduces your expenses.

In most partnerships, functions are performed at a fixed, per-order fee, which means no surprise costs, regardless of order volume. It's affordable and eliminates the need for extra full-time or seasonal employees, which come with a host of hidden fees for hiring, training and eventually laying off, along with ancillary expenses like infrastructure, benefits and taxes. You can avoid all these costs entirely by partnering with a third party.

Additionally, suppliers can expect optimal performance metrics year-round, with orders moving through faster and more efficiently. This cuts down on potential overtime and expedited shipping costs, and reduces mistakes, saving even more time and money down the road thanks to a more reliable workflow.

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