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2021 Decoration Trends: What’s Changed & What You Need to Know

It would be an understatement to say that a lot has changed in our industry since last year. While many distributors are aware of changes like the rise of PPE products, not as many are caught up on how decoration needs have changed as well. Today we have the pleasure of being joined by Ira Neaman, President of Vantage Apparel, and Rob Watson, Chief Experience Officer of Vantage Apparel. We’ll break down all of the top decoration trends for 2021 that you need to know.

Special Guests: Rob Watson, Chief Experience Officer (CXO) of Vantage Apparel; Ira Neaman, President of Vantage Apparel

Special Guests: Rob Watson (left), Chief Experience Officer (CXO) of Vantage Apparel; Ira Neaman, President of Vantage Apparel

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