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3 Common Content Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

Cool tech and tips for those moving at the speed of megabits.

Looking to improve your social outreach and brand messaging? Sidestepping these pitfalls will boost your success rate and help you better connect with buyers.

1. Focusing on Quantity
Instead of Quality Instead of rushing to create as many content pieces as possible to blast out via social platforms and newsletters, step back and take the time to develop thoughtful, well-rounded content that’ll be truly useful and entertaining to your desired audiences. The quantity of content you produce will decline, but it’s likely that overall engagement will increase, as more are drawn to view the better pieces.

2. Creating Content Just Because It Interests You
Sometimes, marketers produce content that they might find compelling, but that doesn’t ultimately carry great significance for their prospects. The remedy is to always create blogs, videos, social posts and white papers that appeal to the particular audience you’re targeting. One way to get a feel for what audiences want is to simply ask them. Also, utilize data and research, which can include tracking the types of content topics and forms that perform best.

3. Branding Too Broadly
This issue can arise for businesses that serve a variety of markets and end-buyers. One solution is to segment recipients of your emailed content into different lists, with the lists being composed of clients/prospects that have mutual interests. For instance, you could group all your manufacturing clients onto one list. By segmenting, you can develop and share content that’s crafted to the specific interests of the list audience. You’ll likely get more clicks. A similar tactic can work with your content mediums: Consider creating differently branded blogs and social accounts that focus on the verticals you target.