SanMar Raises $130,000 for Health Organization

The beneficiary, Bailey-Boushay House, helps people living with HIV/AIDS.

Top 40 promo apparel supplier SanMar (asi/84843) has raised $130,000 to benefit Virginia Mason Hospital’s Bailey-Boushay House, which supports patients living with HIV/AIDS.

“Bailey-Boushay House is so thankful to SanMar and its employees,” said Brian Knowles, director of Bailey-Boushay House, which is based in Seattle, WA. “The gift is life-changing for our clients. This generosity will impact the health and safety of the most vulnerable individuals in our community.”

SanMar President Jeremy Lott presents the $130,000 check to Bailey-Boushay House.

The money Issaquah, WA-based SanMar raised will help with treatment assistance, finding housing solutions for those who are homeless, outpatient medical services and supplies like food and clothing. “I am thankful we have places like Bailey-Boushay in our community and thankful for people like Brian Knowles,” said SanMar President Jeremy Lott. “He has limited space and limited funds, but when someone gives him a challenge, he figures out a way to say yes.”

SanMar generated the money for Bailey-Boushay through what the company described as a two-week-long charitable giving campaign. From Sept. 9 to 20, all eight of SanMar’s distribution centers around the country and the Eastpointe Headquarters in Issaquah participated in the giving. The effort was an outgrowth of “A Canvas for Good” – a SanMar initiative that focuses on giving back in meaningful ways.

Bailey-Boushay House has been operating for 27 years, supporting patients with HIV/AIDS by providing resources to improve their personal wellbeing and overall living situation. The main goal of the program offered at Bailey-Boushay House is to prevent the spread of the disease by providing the best multifaceted support possible to those who need it, leaders said. “We make sure people have HIV medicine and are taking it correctly,” said Knowles. “We help remove barriers to the things that are keeping them from being successful.”

With estimated 2018 North American promotional product revenue of $1.61 billion, SanMar ranked second on Counselor’s latest list of the largest suppliers in the industry. The company’s five-year average annual growth rate is estimated to be 10.5%.