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ASI Ranks the Democratic Presidential Merch

With election season heating up, we took a look at which candidates have the best campaign swag.

Years of planning and months of campaigning for the Democratic presidential candidates have finally led up to this moment: the Iowa Caucus. Taking place on Monday, Feb. 3, it’s the first real step in determining which candidate will emerge from the crowded field to challenge President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election.

While much of America has been following the debates and sound bites, the ASI editorial team has been monitoring something else very closely: the candidate merch wars. From controversial slogans to holiday fun to the predictive polling power of promotional products (say that five times fast), it’s been nary a dull moment.

But now with the crucial first date of primary season upon us, it’s time to determine which Democratic candidate has created the most impressive collection of campaign merchandise. We narrowed down the field to the eight highest-polling candidates, and then had the ASI editorial team rank the contenders based solely on the contents of their merch stores.

Our rankings are revealed below, but there were a few notable design trends that showed up consistently in all the collections:

Name Recognition: It’s clear that candidates want voters to get to know them on either a first-name basis (Amy, Bernie and Pete), a last-name basis (Warren and Yang), or both (see Biden, Joe).

Slogans: If it’s not their names being plastered on every product, candidates have been very active in promoting slogans hatched on the campaign trail. “We Choose Science Over Fiction” and “Humanity First” are just two of the dozens of examples being featured.

Striking Designs: The teams managing each collection have certainly stayed current. No matter which campaign store you frequent, expect to see vibrant, clean imprints that mimic popular graphic design trends of the last few years.

Inventive Color Schemes: The days of slavish adherence to the red, white and blue are long gone. Many candidates were unafraid to deviate from the norm, whether it’s Amy Klobuchar’s prominent spring greens or Pete Buttigieg’s nuanced palette of yellow and dusty blue.

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for: our definitive 2020 Democratic Candidate Merch rankings. Votes from the ASI team highlighted a noticeable divide between the top four candidates and the rest of the field – and a clear laggard who should drop out of the merch race immediately.

1. Elizabeth Warren

The Massachusetts senator impresses with her vast array of products, bold fonts and inspired use of mint green as a signature element in practically all her items. Full of catchy slogans and striking, clean designs, Warren’s wares prove to be a real winner.

Elizabeth Warren Dog Collar

Courtesy of Official Elizabeth Warren Shop

Best Product: Warren’s dog, Bailey, has become a surprise star on the campaign trail, and these eye-catching pet collars tap into the furry fun.

2. Bernie Sanders

Taking the approach of “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” the Vermont senator repeats many of the same design elements that sold like gangbusters four years ago. But while the simple slogans and direct messaging certainly resonate with voters, the Bernie team has expanded the store’s offerings in interesting ways this time around, include some eye-catching artist partnerships.

Courtesy of Bernie Campaign Store

Best Product: This striking “Not Me. US” design is a riveting riot of color – and it’s even cooler on this unique color-changing button that embeds Sanders’ silhouette among the masses.

3. Pete Buttigieg

Mayor Pete doesn’t have the widest selection, but his collection feels refreshingly homespun, yet high quality, with a logo and an assortment of retro colors that play true to his Midwest roots.

Courtesy of PeteForAmerica

Best Product: A simple touch of embroidery distinguishes this beanie as an item that will appeal to both blue-collar workers and streetwear enthusiasts.

4. Joe Biden

The former vice president’s collection is immense and plays off everything from his name to his sayings to his signature aviator sunglasses. His store’s offerings have grown increasingly bold in color, deviating from soft navies and reds into sherbet oranges and muted teals.

Courtesy of Team Joe Store

Best Product: Sometimes the best choice is the most obvious, and there’s no denying that the ubiquitous “Cup O’ Joe” mug is a classic.

5. Mike Bloomberg

The former New York City mayor certainly has a variety of interesting designs and slogans, but the shotgun approach to branding leaves him in the middle of the pack.

Courtesy of Mike Bloomberg Webstore

Best Product: Clever visual wordplay will always receive our votes.

6. Amy Klobuchar

The Minnesota senator has a handful of inventive products (dig the ice scraper mitt) and a refreshing color scheme, but is held back by lack of product variety and an overreliance on her name.

Courtesy of Amy For America Webstore

Best Product: You don’t see any other candidates putting their signature Hot Dish recipe on a tea towel.

7. Andrew Yang

The entrepreneur has his fair share of daring merch swerves (the rock concert-style tee of Yang in guy liner and nail polish is a prime example), but also generates confusion with his all-in approach on his MATH slogan.

Courtesy of The Official Yang 2020 Store

Best Product: We could have sworn we saw this rad American flag winter scarf on the New York runways.

8. Tom Steyer

Like the name Tom? You’re going to see a lot of it on the wares from the philanthropist and hedge fund manager. While the fonts and designs are appealing, the slogans don’t exactly roll off the tongue. (“Keep Your Cool with Justice-Based Climate Policy” anyone?)

Courtesy of Tom Steyer 2020

Best Product: Reversing climate change is one of Steyer’s core platforms, and this bumper sticker’s colors and messages are perfectly in synch.
