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5 Tips For Establishing Trust With Clients

Building relationships with customers based on reliability is a surefire way to keep their business and score more sales.

1. Prepare
Do your research on the prospect’s needs before reaching out. A Google and LinkedIn search of their company, the personnel and company news will tell you about their industry, their company goals and any upcoming initiatives or events in which you can potentially be involved. Use the information gleaned to present relevant solutions for them. Your audience will trust that you have their best interests in mind and that they can rely on you to be their marketing partner.

2. Keep Your Word
Make promises to prospects and clients from the first call you make to them and be sure to keep them. This shows customers that you take their business seriously and you’re committed to serving them. And once they become your clients, continue to make and keep those promises. Otherwise, they’ll look for another distributor to do business with.

3. Apologize Well
When issues arise, don’t just figure out a “make good” and move on. Impress prospects with the solution and express how sorry you are. Send them the correct order along with a bonus gift for their troubles that they’d appreciate, and hand-deliver it if possible. You’re much more likely to be granted a second chance, especially if you take responsibility for the situation.

4. Empathize
You’re there to solve a marketing pain point. Make it clear from the beginning that you understand the prospect’s needs and are there when they need you. If a current client has an issue with an order, apologize directly to them – in person or over the phone – to express immediately that you recognize the stress and inconvenience it’s caused. It will go a long way to building and preserving trust.

51 out of 100 of decision-makers rank trust as the top factor they look for in a salesperson. Source: LinkedIn

5. Be Yourself
Don’t be overly theatrical or think you have a put on a show to impress prospects. Be professional and honest, and tap into your hard-earned confidence and expertise to make the sale. When you’re authentic and genuine, your audience can tell and will be that much more willing to put their trust in you.